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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Tarrytown/Sleepy Hollow, NY - Region 3/T/220

regional history

AYSO Soccer Region #220 was formed on February 16, 1979 as "pilot" and as "charter" November 10, 1983, as Tarrytown and North Tarrytown (which changed to Sleepy Hollow in December 1996). During the early years of the region there was very little growth, as the idea of small children playing organized soccer was new to the Football (Wolfpack) and Baseball (Little League) establishments and the villages' Recreation Departments. 

However, the founders were obviously determined to prevail, bolstered by the example of the Hispanic population in the villages, who played "pick-up" games at every opportunity on the fields around the villages, and an adult league loosely based on national origins. The region that began with that determination has now grown from just under 100 to over 750 children playing on 67 teams in 2004, and is now the largest youth sports organization in the villages. As a result of the hard work by the volunteer coaches and referees, and the cooperation of the parents, the region was well represented at the first A.Y.S.O. National Games held east of the Mississippi at West Point in the summer of 2001. The region also instituted a VIP program for special needs players in 2001.

The first appointed Commissioner, Clara Morales, served from March of 1979 until August of the same year. At that time, Royeric Pack took over from Clara, who unfortunately moved out of the area. Royeric was replaced by Rick Miller in 1981, who was named Area Director in the spring of 1983. The administration of the region was then turned over to Lindon Alexander. It was during his term of office that the region became "Chartered" in 1983. Tony Rizzi was appointed Commissioner when Lindon stepped down in 1988. Tony was succeeded by Manny Busto in April of 1991 and served until Sal Praino was appointed in February of 1992. Robert Schrader served as Commissioner from the fall of 1993 to the fall of 1996 and was replaced by Anthony Scarpati at that time. William (Bill) Hummell replaced Anthony in May 1998 and served until May 2001 when he became the Area Director of Area 3T (Lower Hudson Valley, or Greater Westchester). Jordan Becker, succeeded Bill Hummell as Regional Commissioner from May 2001, till December 2003, when he succeeded William Hummell as Area Director for Area 3T and William became Section Director for Section 3. Peter van der Heijden took over as Commissioner from December 2003, till July 2006, when he succeeded Bill Hummell as Section 3 Director, while Bill was elected to the National Board of Directors May 28, 2006. Hossein Fassa took over as Commissioner in July 2006, till July 2009 and has been Area Director for Area 3T from February 2010 to February 2014. John Maltby was Commissioner from July 2009, till September 2011, when Karen Kuhn took over. Karen was Commissioner till September 1, 2014, when Matt Evans took over as Commissioner until September 2017, when Israel Contreras took over.

Tim Grajek designed the original regional logo with the headless horseman for our T-shirts and Sports Pins stylized it as shown on the top left of this page, used on our pins.

In 2004, the region celebrated its silver anniversary.
In 2012 our logo won an AYSO award for "Most Creative" logo.

In 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 we won the Pele Award, for regional growth of more than 10% (at its height approx. 750 players). 
In 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 we won the Platinum Region Award for compliance, and in 2002 Silver. 
In 2006 we received the President's Citation of Gratitude ("RC of the year"). 
In 2014 we received the President's Circle Award (grown player registration in two consecutive years with a minimum of 25 percent or 75 players in cumulative growth). 

In 2002 we instituted the Lindon Alexander Award, awarded for exceptional service to our region. That year it went to Lindon himself, who started this region in 1979. Following recipients during the annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner at Abigail Kirsch's Tappan Hill/Sunset Cove, were Bill Hummell 2003; Sandy and Carter Sackman 2004; Katharine Swibold and Jordan Becker 2005; Debra Horvath 2006; Peter van der Heijden 2007; Bruce Campbell 2008; Jim Huvane 2009; Jim Leeper 2010; Hossein Fassa 2011; John Sutherland 2012; Tobin Kent 2013; John Maltby 2014; Jamie Echt 2015; Karen Kuhn 2016.

Lindon Alexander retired from our region June 19 2006, after 27 years. Left to right, 7 generations of RC's: John Maltby, Jordan Becker, Anthony Scarpati, Peter van der Heijden, Lindon Alexander, Bill Hummell, Hossein Fassa.

During the term of each commissioner, the operation of the region was aided by the hard work of each management team, which was comprised of dedicated individuals. Without the support of village officials, through the Recreation Department of each village, and the cooperation of the Tarrytown/Sleepy Hollow and Pocantico School Systems, the success of the region would not have been possible.

National Games 
The National Games are held every 2 years and participation is decided though a complex lottery system. 
The 2001 National Games were held in Westpoint, NY. One team from our region went: U14 Boys. 

The 2002 National Games were held in Oahu, HI. Three teams from our region went: U16 and U14 Boys and U14 Girls. 

The 2004 National Games were held in Lancaster, CA. One team from our region went: U19 Boys. 
The 2006 National Games were be held in Chicago, IL. One team from our region went: U14 Boys. 

The 2008 National Games were be held in Oahu, HI. Three teams from our region went: U16 and U12 Boys and U16 Girls. 

The 2010 National Games were be held in Wellington, FL. One team from our region went: U14 Girls. 
The 2012 National Games were held in Knoxville, TN. One team from our region went: U12 Girls. 

The 2014 National Games were held in Torrance & Riverside, CA. Two teams from our region went: U10 and U12 Girls. 

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 220

AYSO Region 220, P.O. Box 633
Tarrytown, New York 10591

Email Us: [email protected]
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